Original Cinematographer for Gears of War Returns for Another Round With Franchise!

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Well, Epic games lost a great worker as Greg M. Mitchell is leaving to work with Black Tusk Studios on a franchise he helped make so popular in Gears of War.

He broke the news over twitter which saw excitement from many fans. His work doesn’t stop at Gears of War. His resumé also includes games like Infinity Blade and Shadow Complex. There’s no official word on his exact role with the studio as he was pretty vague, but with his expertise in cinematography I think it’s safe to assume that he’ll be doing the same thing here.

Black Tusk had other ideas for another game that was in early production, but once they got the job of developing the next installment in the Gears series they were quickly stalled. No one was happier than Microsoft seeing as how they needed another developer to revive the franchise after purchasing it from Epic Games. Seems like the Vancouver-based company was more than happy to tackle the project.

Now It may not seem like a big deal at first, but in the past one of the calling cards of the Gears of War series was its original look and the familiar scenes that accompanied it. Being able to have one of the biggest cinematographers in the industry to help on a project that he is so familiar with and saw so much success with can do nothing but good. Couple that with one of the most refine gaming engines in the industry (Unreal 4), and you can expect superior visuals to enhance that brutal, yet fun gamer experience that so many fans of the series enjoyed so much. The only bad thing you can say about the news is that it makes the wait for E3 2015 that much harder, but really… it’ll be worth it.

Stephon W. is a contributing Editor for Teh Lunchbox Publications and sorry, he doesn’t do social media. But you can follow the team on facebook (Teh Lunchbox Publications), and on twitter @tehlunchboxpub

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